Title Insurance Seminars
Conestoga College 2025
Conestoga Title, with the Pennsylvania Land Title Association, hosted our annual full day event for current and prospective title agents & real estate attorney seeking CE and/or CLE credits in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland & Delaware.
The Conestoga College agenda featured four experienced attorneys, each presenting a variety of topics.
Rick Hecker
Anna Marie Sossong
Bill Parker
John Papoutsis
Attorneys were available throughout the day to mingle and clarify information with attendees.
Conestoga College welcomed two outside industry professionals. Bill Svoboda from Closesimple shared current perspectives and ideas on working with AI and Tony Capaldi with Link Bank shared some of the latest news and prevention tips combatting fraud in title insurance.
Special Thanks to our Sponsors
Jessica Sinnott, Old Dominion Bank
Ken O'Brien, Charles Jones
Fran Kelly, Fran Kelly Professional Liability
Grant Galyean, Closinglock
Todd Goldstein, Link Bank
November CE CLE Webinar
William J. Parker, Esq., CLTP with Conestoga taught this one hour course for title insurance professionals and real estate attorneys to explain the basics on condominium ownership and title insurance for homes in these communities.
How condominium agreements are set up, and the different types were reviewed along with an explanation of the role of the condominium association. Possible issues in clearing title were discussed as well as the differences in insuring existing vs. newly constructed condos. Assessments, liens and endorsements were described along with what happens regarding title at the termination of a condominium community.
Condominiums: Cut the Confusion
This webinar was a one time live course and is no longer available to view for credit. You can watch the recording to hear the info.
Conestoga College: Webinars & Seminars
Conestoga Title has a long-standing tradition of providing continuing education for title agents. We offer agents the opportunity to stay abreast of title industry topics that are current and relevant. Whenever possible, we offer both continuing education credits for title agents and continuing legal education credits for attorneys. All agents and Approved Attorneys are welcome, regardless of whether or not they currently maintain a business relationship with our company. Attendees not only benefit from gaining valuable information but also by networking with other title agents, attorneys and Conestoga's staff.
Pennsylvania Title CE and attorney CLE is available through Conestoga College Webinars. When courses are scheduled, registration information will be emailed to agents and attorneys and available on our Facebook and LinkedIn pages. We host an annual in person seminar for credits usually in January.
Please contact Colleen Sheerin (csheerin@conestogatitle.com) with any questions.
Held earlier this year in Lancaster, PA and in conjunction with the PA Land Title Association, Conestoga College Classroom, a six credit continuing education course for title insurance agents and real estate attorneys, showcased industry leading speakers Ed Hayes & Mike McCreary, partners with Fox Rothschild in Philadelphia, Steve Gottheim, General Counsel for ALTA and Michael Humphreys, the Insurance Commissioner for the state of Pennsylvania as well as underwriting attorneys for Conestoga Title Insurance Co. Special thanks to our event sponsors: Charles Jones, Dalton Digital Design, Fran Kelly Professional Liability, Link Bank and Qualia.
Maryland Title CE is available through Conestoga College Webinars. When courses are scheduled, registration information will be emailed to agents and attorneys and available on our Facebook and LinkedIn pages.
Please contact Colleen Sheerin (csheerin@conestogatitle.com) with any questions.
Virginia Title CE is available through Conestoga College Webinars. When courses are scheduled, registration information will be emailed to agents and attorneys and available on our Facebook and LinkedIn pages.
Please contact Colleen Sheerin (csheerin@conestogatitle.com) with any questions.
Ohio Title CE and CLE is available through Conestoga College Webinars. When courses are scheduled, registration information will be emailed to agents and attorneys and available on our Facebook and LinkedIn pages.
Please contact Colleen Sheerin (csheerin@conestogatitle.com) with any questions.